Wie man einen BMX-Schlitten fährt


What is the Toboggan?

The Toboggan is taking one hand off your bars, grabbing your seat and turning the bars 90 degrees while leaning back behind the seat. Sounds simple, but there are a few steps to do it correctly, so we break it down in our latest video:

Step 1: Get Comfortable With A One-Hander


For this trick, you should at least know and be comfortable with doing a one-hander. If you want, you can skip the one-hander and go straight to learn how to do a bmx no-hander right here on the site!

Step 2: Take your hand off, grab the seat

Now that you have the no-hander or the one-hander down, then this next step is no problem. Just reach down and grab your seat!


Tyler gives a good tip that if you aren’t entirely comfortable with grabbing the seat yet, just try and move your hand anywhere during the jump so you can build the confidence to be able to grab the seat without a problem.

Step 3: turn your bars, grab your seat


Now that you can take your hand off, start getting used to taking your opposite hand and pulling the bars toward you. Whichever hand you decide to use, do it enough to get comfortable doing this motion.

Step 4: Turn your bars 90 degrees

After getting confident in pulling your bars while grabbing your seat, it is time to the turn the bars a full 90 degrees while grabbing your seat.

Step 5: Add SOME Style!

Now you can toboggan! To make the trick look even better, turn your bars 90 degrees, grab your seat and push the bars forward while leaning backwards off the back of the bike!


Good luck, have fun, wear your helmet!
